A graphic of a desert hill at sunset. Sprawled along it is the word HOLLYWOOD, mimicking the famous sign. At the top is "Rainbow Crate" with a rainbow in between the words and "presents" underneath. At the very bottom it reads "- July 2024 Theme -" in all caps.

Subscribe to Rainbow Crate starting with our July theme!

We are ever-pleased to reveal that our July 2024 theme is…

🎬 July 2024: Hollywood🎬

July's two books take place in the silver city, but don't think you know what that means... these two tales take you to WILDLY different places! Read here to find out more, or start your subscription below!

Start Your Rainbow Crate Subscription Now!
A neon sign on a dark brick wall that looks like it's melting. The sign says “Thawing the Ice” in orange and blue.

Join the R.A.D. waitlist!

You like them, but they’re cool. You might even say cold. So frustratingly frigid.. But in the August 2024 R.A.D. we’re taking these Ice Queens and Kings and…


R.A.D. is a quarterly box offering two spicy queer reads at a time, and is currently on a waitlist. If you join, you will be offered a subscription slot when one is available on a first-come, first-serve basis! Read here to find out more about the theme, or join the waitlist below!

Join the R.A.D. waitlist!
A graphic with a white brick wall background. Along the top it reads “All For the Game Trilogy”. In the middle are three front covers for each book of the trilogy. Underneath the covers is a bulleted list which says “Hardcover Set”, “Exclusive New Covers”, “Art on the Hardcovers”, “Art Endpapers”, “Printed Edges” and “...And More!”.

All For The Game special edition set

🧡 In collaboration with Nora Sakavic,
Rainbow Crate is pleased to announce our long-anticipated special edition set of the
All For The Game series! 🧡

This is an open preorder with no limits. Sets will ship in Fall 2024 with shipping date TBA at a later date. We ship internationally.

All For The Game Hardcover Set

How A Subscription Works

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    Choose a 1, 3, or 6 month pay plan! We'll ship you a box every month until you say when.

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    That's all you've got to do!

    We ship at the end of each month, and you'll receive a shipping notice in your email so you can track its progress!

  • Read & Enjoy!

    We love to hear what you think of your boxes! Tag us on any of your social media!

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